actual numerical value

英 [ˈæktʃuəl njuːˈmerɪkl ˈvæljuː] 美 [ˈæktʃuəl nuːˈmerɪkl ˈvæljuː]




  1. Based on the study of implement mechanism of reciprocating electric micro saw, a kinematic and dynamic model is established. It reckons in friction of joints, actual mass of each rod and actual construction of slide and uses computer and means of numerical value calculating to imitate.
  2. In the data processing of drying performance test of grain drying machine, the actual unit heat consumption and drying capacity should be converted into the numerical value on the standard condition.
  3. Applying historical data and combined with the historical simulation of sample datum, it also compared the predicting numerical value with actual numerical value, analyzed forecast deviation, modified and adjusted the model parameters to avoid the accumulation of rounding errors.
  4. Due to the result of hydraulic parameters are actual numerical value in any time we have simulated. It have the guidance for the analysis of the water distribution network system and understand the hydraulic condition in the conventional operation.